Do you spell check almost everything you type?
Do you do perfectly rational things that others might laugh at because it just also happens to look ridiculous?
Do you ascribe little value to anything advertised?
Have you found yourself staring at a wall of selections in a grocery store, trying hard to figure out which is the best deal? Is your moral code dictated by scientific facts?
Do you want a relationship based on frank, honest and intimate communication, and the trust required for it?
My name's Scott and I'm on here to find a nice woman who would enjoy learning about each other, life, human nature and anything else, for the long term.
A bit about how I'm a nerd:
Shyness- I'm a bit quiet around new people, but can still carry on a light, friendly conversation with them, I also like going out with friends and friends of friends.
Not confident?- I like to understand problems from all angles, which can take time, which is sometimes interpreted as indecisiveness, which is sometimes seen as not being confident. Otherwise, I'm sure of myself.
Curious- I really like talking about the big pictures of science and philosophy (though, I'm not an expert in the later). A good spontaneous adventure is also always welcome, especially if there's someone to enjoy it with.
Star Trek- Yes, the stereotype. I like it, but I am not compelled to chat anybody's ear off about it. I know when a listener is starting to be bothered.
Just to mention, since these may be somewhat important to you: I have a job (grad student at U of T), have my own place, and have a car.