I'm hoping to find someone who can use conjunctions properly, also.
I want to wear your dress shirt in the morning while singing into a spatula and making pancakes in the shapes of Starfleet ships.
I want to explore new experiences and interests and learn from you. I'd like to write cheesy poems and put them in your lunch box. Every. Day.
Sometimes, I wear ties. I believe the hat makes the outfit.
I'm a writer. I like to cuddle up and read, but I also enjoy being kickass and social.
I will beat you at MarioKart, but I'll nurse the wounds.
I'm moved by art, theater, and some pretty embarrassing things that I'll tell you about later.

I'm not extremely tech-savvy and I haven't memorized Green Lantern's oath, however short. But I'll love you if you are and you have.
My Match Description:
You should be smart. I will gouge out my eyes if I date one more man who doesn't believe in evolution.
I'd like if you were passionate about things. I don't care if those things include your action figure collection and your superhero-themed boxer shorts. Have a pulse. I'll care
about your passions. You should be open-
minded and patient and also try to appreciate my
interests. Also noteworthy: It is impossible for me to sleep with a
Republican. Not that I would ever try.