I have a daughter who was born on )02/04/10. She is the reason I live and breath, She's my motivation. I live for her I breathe for her, she's the best thing to ever happen to me and i wouldn't trade her for the world...her timing was a lil off (LoL) but God doesn't make mistakes...She makes me want to be better. She makes all the heartache and pain I go through totally worth it. She inspires me to achieve all that I dream and More...I love her with my whole everything...Jenesis Nicole Michelle Rankin

**I gave my daughter to God, the moment that pink positive flashed before my eyes...and that is will she will forever remain...with him!***
I don't like being called a b****h. I don't focus on the media or the press to define who I am, I am ME...classy, independent, determined, and most of all a woman.
I can't stand loud and obnoxious females. I feel that as a woman I should be noticed by my presence not by the volume of my tone and the dumb things I do when I'm out.
as for the men, if your stuck in the hood and not trying to gt out click that lil X at the top of the pg...I also hate ppl who cant seem to speak english lol