Much madness is divinest sense... I think. I think I think too much for my own good at times, to be honest. I have no doubt that I come across as crazy and random when I get too engaged/enthusiastic about a topic. Feel free to slow me down, but if you can jump on for the ride or derail me with an equally enthusiastic interest of your own, even better. My CV includes far too much travel, degrees in engineering and entertainment, various homebrew programming projects, school jazz/pit/pep/kilted bands/orchestras, a casual webcomic, a soapbox-derby relay race, Anthony Daniels, and... well, you'll just have to ask. I lean more to the technical side, but I've been missing the academic exposure I once had to arts, writing, theater, design, etc. and will readily absorb such from anyone willing to teach.
Apart from that... I'm a gamer geek by preference and training, but I don't melt under the infernal day-star, and should consequently be dragged outside for my own good now and again lest my scouting experience go rusty. I cook... some... no deaths yet reported

I have read and absorbed LotR, the Hobbit, the Silmarillion and Lost Tales I&II, the Hitchhiker's trilogy (all 5 of them), and a smattering of other sci-fi/fantasy. Anything on TV had better engage me or else it will be switched to games. Examples include Myth Busters, Good Eats, NOVA, and most stuff out of Britain (particularly Monty Python & Doctor Who). All radios in my possession are perma-tuned to NPR, albeit mainly for news and Saturday mornings (Wait Wait is normally taped about an hour away from me, which I must say is awesome). Ultimately, though, having done all sorts of volatile, mobile, crazy stuff has left me really keen to find someone serious and actually settle down for the longer term with someone who can challenge me a little and just appreciate being appreciated.