lifes better when not alone just trying to find someone who is like me. hopefully there is a girl out their who thinks as i do about things and enjoys much of the same things as me. i love science fiction. absolutely love anything scifi.

i watch loads of movies and some tv shows when i can get them commercial free. i often quote from things i like and can often seem random to some people. i spend a lot of time on the computer just exploring and reading things i find. i enjoy learning about new things and particularly in the field of science and technology. i am currently a computer science major at a university. so yup i also program stuff all the time :p these sentences are really choppy sorry about that, im just listing stuff as it comes to mind. i rarely read full books but when i do read from them i enjoy reading books like, the communist manifesto, on war by clausewitz, the organizational weapon, ya know the crazy political books

, uh.... drawing a blank and still have 1000 characters, : / oh duh! i also enjoy video games :d :p cant believe i forgot to say that, almost all kinds are way fun, ill play when i can and rarely get new games just because of the prices, but yet i still keep updated on reviews and synopsis of new games too. i enjoy foreign movies as well, kungfu is always cool, and i really like the old black and white japanese samuri movies. i can't think of their names right now. i personally, am a very kind person and very open and honest with people. i'm affectionate and like to communicate. i enjoy nature when i get the time but college takes up a bunch of that. i think about science stuff a lot and try to get new ideas all the time, i some times randomly remember funny stuff and laugh then ppl think im crazy :p oh well. i prefer not to do things alone even though most of the time i end up that way. well idk what else to say. stil 140 characters, uh... so yeah 100 characters :p well just msg me and stuff im cool with it oh also things almost never make mad