I only buy organic food. I enjoy hiking, rock climbing, sailing, and watching sci-fi movies - or just walking along the beach. I take a bunch of supplements derived mostly from plants in order to extend longevity and ameliorate the hazards of a desk job. I’ve figured out how to reverse hair greying and male pattern balding. I know the major causes of aging and how to reverse them, so I plan to live for at least another hundred years.
I am looking for a partner with the following qualifications:
• Good homemaker. (For example, should know how to bake – because I don’t. And organic pumpkin bread is quite hard to come by.)
• Appropriate mid child-bearing age (Say, 18-2

• Should be willing to relocate to where my job takes me because naturally I have the higher salary. (Currently I only make about $80,000 a year, but that tends to go up with time.)
• Must have no major medical problems that would interfere with child bearing or child rearing.
• Preferably should be in top 5% for intelligence among women, as I am in the top 2% of men. (If you manage to message me though you get high marks.)
You can E-mail me here:
Turpin (at) Alumni (dot) Caltech (dot) Edu
And I'll send you my phone number.