I live a somewhat alternative lifestyle, I suppose; I have a wide variety of characteristics and interests which are rarely found in one human being.
I am a single mother, an herbalist, a lover of live music, coffee houses, lounges with creative cocktails, and hidden swimming spots... I am a very positive person, very trusting of the flow of my own temporal life on this temporal earth... a humanist who hates the term "feminism," a voracious reader of almost anything, and a naturally talented cook and backrubber

I will (hopefully!) be pursuing my Ph.D. in Linguistics in Manhattan in Fall '13.
I am beginning to wonder if such a varied male counterpart even exists. I have realized that there are certain things that I would need in a partner, and have "compromised" on one or two of these attributes, only to find that I just can't compromise something like this.
My ideal partner is a lot like me: domestically-inclined, adventurous, honest, positive, interested in the world and its inhabitants, silly, brave, courageous, driven, well-educated, and - above all else - not jaded.