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July 29, 2008
Posts: 1

PostPosted:     Post subject: Gravity
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I have a question. Apologies as I have no background in science my language may be a bit elementary. I only know what i have self taught.

Now to the question ...

I understand general relativity specifies that gravity is the curvature of space which causes the earth to orbit the sun. That makes sense in explaining the attraction of the planets.

However quantum mechanics specifies that gravity is due to the exchange of virtual particles known as gravitons.

So how can two sub atomic particles exchange energy that causes them to be attracted to each other? One particle releases a graviton that another absorbs. How can that cause attraction? If anything would the second particle be disturbed from the energy absorption?

I guess the same question applies to the attraction electromagnetic force .

Thanks in advance!

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October 30, 2010
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`I think two sub atomic particles exchanging energy is a diferent case from gravity in space. Its more of an electron attraction than graviton attraction. Attraction occcurs because of excess electrons, you the chemistry of that.

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June 18, 2012
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`All known elementary particles have a spin of either 1/2 or 1, except for the Higgs with spin 0 and the gravition with spin 2. The Higgs also relates to gravity, since it provides other particles with mass. It's been suggested that there isn't actually a Higgs. It hasn't been found by the LHC, and some have suggested that spin 0 doesn't make sense anyway. There isn't any machine strong enough to look for the graviton yet, but I'm betting that the graviton doesn't exist either.

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