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Time, The Universe and Death

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: Time, The Universe and Death

Ok, this is partly Science, partly mumbo-jumbo, but....

Time really is an illusion... promoted by the effect of memory. There is no such thing as Absolute Time. Time is the marking of change.. either spatial or form. Without change, there would be no time in the Universe... which is why "time travel" is impossible.

The interesting thing is that the sum total of all energy (including that locked in the form of matter) is Zero.
Therefore if the Universe were to disappear in its entirety tomorrow, none of the laws of thermodynamics or conservation of energy would be broken.

If you wnat to know more about this, I would suggest reading Victor Stengers' "Has Science found God?" There are some sample chapters from his book available.. the one dealing with the "creation" and existence of the Unverse is here


But anyway, so yes, it's conceptually possible for something to disappear without a trace in the Universe, i.e for things to completely Die. It would "just" require the erasure of all it's effects on the things left to exist.

But in the case "normal" Human Death, we clearly don't die completely. The pertubations of our existence in the universe (including memory of us) contunue beyond the grave or urn, and are not normally taken away.
So you could say that we still exist, but in a diferent form.

Which incidentally, is kinda in keeping with the Hindu and Buddhist beliefs that when we die we are transformed/reborn into something new (quite different from the Western concept of re-incarnation), which is dependent on what went before, and yet not directly connected.

In conclusion, in a way, we may live on in the people and things that we've affected, for better or worse. For Eternity !?


Live your life until Life is found !
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Well, you are absolutely correct to say that there is no such thing as absolute relativity. I myself would feel ashamed to make such an oxymoronic statement. Someone needs to study Plato.

A thing is defined as any material in any shape or form. Material is to relative as form is to absolute.
Time is not a thing, but a second is, just like a board is a thing but wood is not.

But as for illusions, your body lives on these illusions. Your senses are divided between those that abstract form and discard material, like when you look at a brick, the thing does not end up in your head, You abstract form and disregard the material.
Or when you eat, you abstract the material, and discard the form, you do not become the cow you ate, nor the vegie you had for supper.

When your body abstracts form, it must supply material to make a thing. When it abstracts material, it must impose form to make a thing.

And when you separate human will as the effector of the actions of the human body, you are dead. D E A D.

Human will is the form imposed on the material called the human body.

However, the mystery of the Scripture is just that, and the reason for the prophecies in it, since man does not yet know judgment, he cannot possibly produce human will. Study Plato, he will explain it to you. So, man is worried about dying, and he has not yet learned to live. Sounds like its dark up there.

You seem to hang around with some very unaccomplished philosophers!

Here, I have been putting different translations of Plato into free audiobook form for those have little time to read. (removed)
The man is still way ahead of our time.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`There is alot of argument back and forth regarding science and God. The best aspects of each are continually rejected by religionists and scientists, respectively. Those of us who are in the middle, who would like to unite the two, seem to be in the minority. Scientists and religionists seem only to unite against those who would try to bring the two together. Neither group is able to get past their own desires and biases, which are in turn grounded in the plain old perceptions we have grown used to.

That being said, are you guys honestly discussing this without any effort to impress the ladies?

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October 11, 2007
Posts: 2

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`Gee, Spiralguy, I kinda thought it was hot. Two guys in the same room thinking with the heads on their shoulders. Ulterior motive-less.
Tres refreshing...
Though you can take it with a grain of salt coming from an atypical kinda girl.

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May 9, 2007
Posts: 17

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`HAHAHA. It's all about the ladies, Spiralguy, can't you tell? ;)

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August 30, 2008
Posts: 4

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`On the subject of Time, the Universe and Death. I have been reading the forums and have noticed that many users have been deleted. Is that like death? They are gone, and I do not know why. Now I fear I may be deleted and cease to exist at any time and never know why. I may be censored by unseen and unknown forces.
It seems to me that all three of the words; time, universe, and death refer to things, the meanings of which that are relative in the way they stand in relation to anything else. The previous discussion gives me the sense of that idea though it was not explicitly stated.
The sum of our ability to refer to and explain about things such as time the universe and death is defined as all combinations and permutations of extant words that can stand in some relation to these three words, and from the total, include such orderings of words that we think make sense, and maybe excluding those orderings of words that we think do not make sense.

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